I august 1917, på samme møte som V. Bjerknes, O. Devik, B. Helland-Hansen, Th. Hesselberg, O.A. Krogness, H.U. Sverdrup og S. Sæland opprettet Norsk Geofysisk Forening, ble det også søkt om å få opprettet en tidsskriftserie, “Geofysiske publikasjoner”. Les mer under etableringen av NGF.
Geofysiske Publikasjoner (Geophysica Norvegica) kom for første gang ut i 1921. Helt frem til 1985 ble det trykket opp 299 artikler fordelt på 33 volumer. Her følger en oversikt over alle publikasjonene som finnes i hvert volum. De fleste titlene er angitt med aktive lenker og er derfor tilgjengelige som pdf-dokumenter.
Scanningen og tilretteleggingen av nedlastbare dokumenter er administrert av NGF sitt styre i 2007-2009. Geofysisk institutt i Bergen har finansiert scanning av volum 1 til 22, mens Meteorologisk institutt har finansiert digitalisering av volum 23 til 33.
Hele oversikten er også tilgjengelig i MS Word-format og inkluderer register over alle forfatterne.
Desember 2020: Tor Bergeron sin artikkel Über die dreidimensional verknüpfende Wetteranalyse. Erster Teil: Prinzippielle Einführung in das Problem der Luftmassen- und Frontenbildung. er oversatt til engelsk og utgitt i Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society med referanse:
Schultz DM, Volkert H, Antonescu B & Davies HC (2020) Defender and Expositor of the Bergen Methods of Synoptic Analysis: Significance, History, and Translation of Bergeron’s (1928) “Three-Dimensionally Combining Synoptic Analysis”, 101 (12), pp. E2078-E2094, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0021.1
En kopi er lagret lokalt her.
Volum I (1921)
- No. 1. L. Vegard and O. Krogness: The position in space of the aurora borealis – From observations made at the Haldde-Observatory 1913-14.
- No. 2. J. Bjerknes: On the structure of moving cyclones.
- No. 3. B. J. Birkeland: Niederschlagsschwankungen in Norwegen.
- No. 4. Th. Hesselberg: On the projected co-operation with Roald Amundsen’s North Polar expedition.
- No. 5. The Norwegian Geophysical Commission: Geophysical investigations in the Arctic regions in co-operation with Roald Amundsen’s expedition.
- No. 6. O. Krogness: The importance of obtaining magnetic registrations from a comparatively close net of stations in the polar regions.
- No. 7. Carl Störmer: Extract from a report on the northern lights expedition to Bossekop – Store Korsnes in the spring of 1913.
- No. 8. Carl Störmer: The importance of taking aurora photographs from a network of stations around the polar basin in collaboration with Roald Amundsen’s expedition.
- No. 9. Carl Störmer: Rapport sur une expédition d’aurores boréales à Bossekop et Store Korsnes pendant le printemps de l’année 1913.
Volum II (1923)
- No. 1. Hilding Köhler: Zur Kondensation des Wasserdampfes in der Atmosphäre. I.
- No. 2. Carl Störmer: Exemples de rayons auroraux dépassant des altitudes de 500 kilomètres au-dessus de la terre.
- No. 3. J. Bjerknes and H. Solberg: Meteorological Conditions for the formation of Rain.
- No. 4. V. Bjerknes: On the Dynamics of the Circular Vortex with Applications to the Atmospheric Vortex and Wave Motions.
- No. 5. L. Vegard: The Determination of the Wave Length of the Green Line of the Spectrum of the Aurora Borealis.
- No. 6. Hilding Köhler: Zur Kondensation des Wasserdampfes in der Atmosphäre. II.
- No. 7. H. Mohn: Atlas de Climat de Norvège. Nouvelle édition par Aage Graarud et Kristen Irgens.
- No. 8. Carl Störmer: Notes relatives aux aurores boréales.
- No. 9. W. Werenskiold: Mean Monthly Air Transport over the North Pacific Ocean.
- No. 10. W. Werenskiold: Frozen Earth in Spitsbergen.
- Errata
Volum III (1926)
- No. 1. J. Bjerknes and H. Solberg: Life Cycle of Cyclones and the Polar Front Theory of Atmospheric Cirkulation.
- No. 2. A. Röstad: Verwendung von Nebelfrostablagerungen um Strömungslinien zu bestimmen.
- No. 3. V. Bjerknes: On Quasi Static Wavemotion in Barotropic Fluid Strata.
- No. 4. L. Högberg: An Explicit Solution of the Problem of Wave Motion in Three Barotropic Fluid Strata.
- No. 5. Th. Hesselberg: Über Reibung und Dissipation in der Atmosphäre.
- No. 6. J. Bjerknes: Diagnostic and Prognostic Application of Mountain Observations.
- No. 7. Th. Hesselberg: Mögliche Luftbewegungen an der Erdoberfläche.
- No. 8. Aage Graarud und Nils Russeltvedt: Die erdmagnetischen Beobachtungen der Gjöa-Expedition 1903-1906.
- No. 9. B. J. Birkeland: Ältere meteorologische Beobachtungen in Oslo (Kristiania). Luftdruck und Temperatur in 100 Jahren.
- No. 10. Ernst G. Calwagen: Zur Diagnose und Prognose lokaler Sommerschauer. Aerologische Flugzeugaufstiege in Ostnorwegen.
- No. 11. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Einige thermische Eigenschaften von Eis und Wasserdampf.
- No. 12. H. Solberg et Carl Störmer: Méthode pour la mesure photogrammétrique des nuages pendant la nuit, quand ces nuages sont éclairés par la lune ou par la lumière crépusculaire.
- No. 13. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Graphische Methoden zur Ermittelung adiabatischer Zustandsänderungen feuchter Luft.
- Errata
Volum IV (1927)
- No. 1. Sigurd Evjen: Barometerschwingungen und langsichtige Prognosen.
- No. 2. Bjørn Helland-Hansen and Fridtjof Nansen: The Eastern North Atlantic. The Cruises of the “Armauer Hansen”. No. 1.
- No. 3. Torbjørn Gaarder: Die Sauerstoffwerhältnisse im östlichen Teil des Nord-Atlantischen Ozeans. The Cruises of the “Armauer Hansen”. No. 2.
- No. 4. Torbjørn Gaarder: Die Wasserstoffionen-Konzentration des Meer-Wassers im östlichen Teil des Nord-Atlantischen Ozean. The Cruises of the “Armauer Hansen”. No. 3.
- No. 5. H. U. Sverdrup: Dynamic of Tides on the North Siberian Shelf. Results from the Maud Expedition.
- No. 6. Finn Malmgren: Studies of Humidity and Hoar-Frost over the Arctic Ocean.
- No. 7. Carl Störmer: Résultats des mesures photogrammétriques des aurores boreales observées dans la Norvège méridionale de 1911 à 1922.
Volum V (1930)
- No. 1. Hilding Köhler: On water in the Clouds.
- No. 2. Carl Störmer: Photogrammetrische Bestimmung der Høhe von irisierenden Wolken (Perlmutterwolken) am 30. Dezember 1926.
- No. 3. K. F. Wasserfall: On Periodic Variations in Terrestrial Magnetism.
- No. 4. Th. Hesselberg: Untersuchunen über die Gesetze des ausgeglichenen Bewegungen in der Atmosphäre.
- No. 5. A. Röstad: Über die Einwirkung der magnetischen Perturbationen auf die geographische Verbreitung des Nordlichts.
- No. 6. Tor Bergeron: Über die dreidimensional verknüpfende Wetteranalyse. Erster Teil: Prinzippielle Einführung in das Problem der Luftmassen- und Frontenbildung. (English translation)
- No. 7. W. Werenskiold: The figure of the Earth.
- No. 8. B. J. Birkeland: Ältere meteorologische Beobachtungen in Bergen. Luftdruck und Temperatur seit 100 Jahren.
- No. 9. H. Solberg: Integrationen der atmosphärischen Störungsgleichungen. Erster Teil: Wellenbewegungen in rotierenden, inkompressiblen Flüssigkeitsschichten.
- No. 10. K. F. Wasserfall: On the Relation between the Rotation of the Sun and the Variations in Atmospheric Temperature.
- No. 11. V. Bjerknes: Über die hydrodynamischen Gleichungen in Lagrangescher und Eulerscher Form und ihre Linearisierung für das Studium kleiner Störungen.
- No. 12. Anfinn Refsdal: Der feuchtlabile Niederschlag.
Volum VI (1932)
The Scientific Results of the Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the Gjøa 1903-1906 under the conduct of Roald Amundsen.
Part I.
Published by The Roald Amundsen’s Memorial Fund.
- No. 1. The Editorial Committee: Scientific Work of the Expedition.
- No. 2. H. Geelmuyden: Astronomy.
- No. 3. Aage Graarud: Meteorology.
Volum VII (1933)
The Scientific Results of the Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the Gjøa 1903-1906 under the conduct of Roald Amundsen.
Part II.
Published by The Roald Amundsen’s Memorial Fund.
Volum VIII (1930)
The Scientific Results of the Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the Gjøa 1903-1906 under the conduct of Roald Amundsen.
Part III.
Published by The Roald Amundsen’s Memorial Fund.
Volum IX (1931-32)
- No. 1. Olaf Devik: Thermische und dynamische Bedingungen der Eisbildung in Wasserläufen, auf norwegische Verhältnisse angewandt.
- No. 2. K. F. Wasserfall: On the Year to Year Variation of the Temperature.
- No. 3. A. Röstad: Über magnetische Störungen, die an südnorwegischen Nordlichttagen in Potsdam beobachtet wurden.
- No. 4. Carl Störmer: Höhe der Farbenverteilung der Perlmutterwolken.
- No. 5. Leiv Harang and Einar Tønsberg: Investigations of the Aurora Borealis at Nordlys Observatoriet, Tromsø 1929-1930. Communications from the Auroral Observatory, Tromsø.
- No. 6. B. J. Birkeland: Ältere meteorologische Beobachtungen in Ullensvang. Luftdruck und Temperatur seit 100 Jahren.
- No. 7. Georg Schou: Gewitter in Norwegen.
- No. 8. Th. Hesselberg: Über das Verhältnis zwischen Druckkraft und Wind.
- No. 9. J. Bjerknes: Exploration de quelques perturbations atmosphériques à l’aide de sondages rapprochés dans le temps.
- No. 10. Alf Maurstad: Die meteorologischen Beobachtungen während Arne Høygaard und Martin Mehrens Duchquerung von Grønland 1931.
- No. 11. L. Vegard: Results of Investigations of The Auroral Spectrum during the Years 1921-1926.
- No. 12. Anfinn Refsdal: Zur Thermodynamik der Atmosphäre.
Volum X (1935)
- No. 1. H. U. Sverdrup: Vereinfachtes Verfahren zur Berechnung der Druck- und Massenverteilung im Meere.
- No. 2. Sverre Petterssen: Kinematical and Dynamical Properties of the Field of Pressure with Application to Weather Forecasting.
- No. 3. Sigurd Evjen: Zur langfristigen Wettervorhersage.
- No. 4. L. Vegard: Investigations of the Auroral Spectrum based on Observations from the Auroral Observatory, Tromsø.
- No. 5. L. Vegard and Leiv Harang: The Auroral Spectrum in the Region of Long Waves.
- No. 6. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Interne Wellen.
- No. 7. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Wärmeleitung im Meere.
- No. 8. Leiv Harang: Filteraufnahmen von Polarlicht.
- No. 9. B. J. Birkeland: Ältere meteorologische Beobachtungen in Vardö.
- No. 10. A. Röstad: Beziehung der Nordlichterscheinungen zu den weltweiten magnetischen Störungen.
- No. 11. Alf Maurstad: Atlas of Sea Ice.
- No. 12. Einar Barlindhaug: Results of Registrations of the Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient at the Auroral Observatory, Tromsø, during the Period March 1932 – July 1933.
- No. 13. W. Werenskiold: Coastal Currents.
- No. 14. Jaques van Mieghem: Thermodynamique des systèmes non-uniformes en vue des applications à la Météorologie.
Volum XI (1934-37)
- No. 1. L. Vegard and L. Harang: The Wavelength of the Green Auroral Line Determined by an Interferometer Method.
- No. 2. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: Continued Investigations on the Temperature of the Upper Atmosphere Determined by means of Bands Appearing in the Auroral Spectrum.
- No. 3. Carl Störmer: Measuring of Aurorae with very Long Base Lines.
- No. 4. J. Bjerknes: Investigations of Selected European Cyclones by means of Serial Ascents.
- No. 5. Carl Störmer: Remarkable Aurora-Forms from Southern Norway. I. Feeble Homogeneous Arcs of Great Altitude.
- No. 6. Sverre Petterssen: Contribution to the Theory of Frontogenesis.
- No. 7. H. U. Sverdrup: The Eddy Conductivity of the Air over a Smooth Snow Field. Results of the Norwegian-Swedish Spitsbergen Expedition in 1934.
- No. 8. O. Krogness and E. Tønsberg: Auroral and Magnetic Measurements from Observations at Haldde Observatory.
- No. 9. Th. Hesselberg: Gesetzmässigkeiten in der Windverteilung.
- No. 10. Nils Russeltvedt: Measurement of Temperature on board Ships.
- No. 11. Anton Jakhelln: The Water Transport of Gradient Currents.
- No. 12. Carl Störmer: Remarkable Aurora-Forms from Southern Norway. II. Some Arcs and Bands with Ray Structure.
- No. 13. Anfinn Refsdal: Aerologische Diagrammpapiere.
- No. 14. J. Egedal and J. E. Fjeldstad: Observations of Tidal Motions of the Earth’s Crust made at the Geophysical Institute, Bergen.
- No. 15. L. Vegard and Leiv Harang: Recent Results regarding the Spectral Analysis of the Auroral Luminescence.
- No. 16. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: Variations of the Intensity Distribution within the Auroral Spectrum.
- No. 17. Leiv Harang: Änderungen der Ionisation der höchsten Atmosphärenschichten wärend der Nordlichter und erdmagnetischen Störungen.
Volum XII (1937-40)
- No. 1. Leiv Harang: Height Measurements of Selected Auroral Forms.
- No. 2. J. Bjerknes and E. Palmén: Investigations of Selected European Cyclones by means of Serial Ascents. Case 4: February 15-17, 1935.
- No. 3. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: The Temperature of the Auroral Region Determined from Band Spectra.
- No. 4. Håkon Mosby: Svalbard Waters.
- No. 5. L. Vegard: Vorgänge und Zustände in der Nordlichtregion.
- No. 6. W. Werenskiold: On Equal-Area Transformations of the Indicator Diagram, and a New Aerological Chart.
- No. 7. Carl Störmer: Some results regarding Height and Spectra of Aurorae over Southern Norway during 1936.
- No. 8. L. Vegard: Weak Bands and Atomic Lines in the Auroral Spectrum.
- No. 9. Sverre Petterssen: Contribution to the Theory of Convection.
- No. 10. Sverre Petterssen: Some Aspects of Formation and Dissipation of Fog.
- No. 11. Carl Störmer: Observations and Photographic Measurements of Mother of Pearl Clouds over Scandinavia 1930-1938. P.1.
- No. 12. B. Rypdal and L. Vegard: The Excitation Functions of Nitrogen Bands and their Bearing on Auroral Problems.
- No. 13. Carl Störmer: Observations and Photographic Measurements of Mother of Pearl Clouds over Scandinavia 1930-1938. P.2.
- No. 14. L. Vegard: Continued Investigations on the Auroral Luminescence and the Upper Atmosphere.
- No. 15. Erik Björkdal: On the Correlation between the Geopotential of the Tropopause and the Temperature of the Middle Troposphere.
- No. 16. Georg Schou: Über den Zusammenhang des Frühlingshochwassers in Südnorwegen mit den meteorologischen Elementen.
Volum XIII (1940-44)
- No. 1. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: Investigations on the Auroral and Twilight Luminescence Including Temperature Measurements in the Ionosphere.
- No. 2. K. F. Wasserfall: The Horizontal Component of Magnetic Intensity at Oslo Observatory 1843-1930.
- No. 3. Leiv Harang: Pulsations in the Terrestrial Magnetic Records at High Latitude Stations.
- No. 4. Leiv Harang: Experimental Studies on the Reflection of Radio Waves from the Ionized Regions.
- No. 5. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: New Important Results Relating to the Auroral Spectrum and the State of the Upper Atmosphere.
- No. 6. Kaare Langlo Olsen: Lokale Änderungen der Struktur der Ionosphäre auf hohen Breitegraden.
- No. 7. Carl Störmer: Remarkable Aurora-Forms from Southern Norway. III-IX.
- No. 8. Olaf Devik: Supercooling and Ice Formation in Open Waters. (Ice Studies I).
- No. 9. Th. Hesselberg: Die Verwendung des Maxwellschen Verteilungsgesetzes auf meteorologische Häufigkeitskurven.
- No. 10. Egil A. Hylleraas: On the Theory of Tidal Oscillations in Oceans with Solid Boundaries.
- No. 11. Arnt Eliassen: On the Correction and Reduction of Barometer Readings.
- No. 12. Einar Tønsberg and Kaare Langlo Olsen: Investigations on Atmospheric Ozone at Nordlysobservatoriet, Tromsø.
- No. 13. Carl Störmer: Results of the Photogrammetric Measurements of the Aurora Borealis during the Norwegian-French Polar Expedition to North-East Greenland 1938-1939.
- No. 14. Leiv Harang: A study of the Auroral Arcs and Draperies.
Volum XIV (1936-43)
- No. 1. B. J. Birkeland: Mittel und Extreme der Lufttemperatur.
- No. 2. Georg Schou: Mittel und Extreme des Luftdruckes in Norwegen.
- No. 3. Erik Bjørkdal: Moyennes de la température et de l’humidité en Norvège du Sud selon les Sondages par avion à Kjeller en 1928-1937.
- No. 4. Th. Hesselberg und B. J. Birkeland: Säkulare Schwankungen des Klimas von Norwegen. T. 1. Die Lufttemperatur.
- No. 5. Th. Hesselberg und B. J. Birkeland: Säkulare Schwankungen des Klimas von Norwegen. T. 2. Der Niederschlag.
- No. 6. Th. Hesselberg und B. J. Birkeland: Säkulare Schwankungen des Klimas von Norwegen. T. 3. Luftdruck und Wind.
Volum XV (1944-56)
- No. 1. B. J. Birkeland: Mittel und Extreme der Feuchtigkeit in Norwegen.
- No. 2. Th. Hesselberg und B. J. Birkeland: Säkulare Schwankungen des Klimas von Norwegen. Die Feuchtigkeit.
- No. 3. E. Frogner: Means and Extremes of Sea Temperature by the Norwegian Coast.
- No. 4. B. J. Birkeland: Old Meteorological Observations at Trondheim. Atmospheric Pressure and Temperatures during 185 Years.
- No. 5. Th. Hesselberg and B. J. Birkeland: The Continuation of the Variations of the Climate of Norway 1940-1950.
Volum XVI (1944-46)
- No. 1. L. Vegard: Coronal Phenomena and their Relation to Solar and Terrestrial Processes.
- No. 2. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: Results of Auroral Spectrograms Obtained at Tromsø Observatory during the Winters 1941-1942 and 1942-1943.
- No. 3. Kaare Münster Strøm: Heat in a South Norwegian Lake. Studies on Lake Eikeren during the Years 1934 and 1935.
- No. 4. K. F. Wasserfall: The Magnetic Declination at Oslo Observatory 1843-1930 (Daily values for 9 and 14 O’clock).
- No. 5. Ragnar Fjørtoft: On the Frontogenesis and Cyclogenesis in the Atmosphere. P.1. On the Stability of the Stationary Circular Vortex.
- No. 6. Leiv Harang: The Luminosity Curve of the Aurorae.
- No. 7. L. Vegard and G. Kvifte: Spectral Investigations of Aurorae and Twilight.
- No. 8. Kaare Münster Strøm: The Temperature of Maximum Density in Fresh Waters. An Attempt to Determine its Lowering with Increased Pressure from Observations in Deep Lakes.
- No. 9. Sigurd Evjen: Statistische Untersuchungen an Druck- und Temperaturfeldern über Süd-Skandinavien.
- No. 10. Sverre Petterssen, E. Knighting, R. W. James and N. Herlofson: Convection in Theory and Practice.
- No. 11. Leiv Harang: Radio Echo Observations at Tromsø during the Solar Eclipse on July 9th, 1945.
- No. 12. Leiv Harang: The Mean Field of the Polar Earth-Magnetic Storm.
Volum XVII (1947-51)
- No. 1. G. Kvifte and L. Vegard: On the Emission of the Forbidden Lines from the Metastable Groundstates 1S0 and 1D2 of the Neutral Oxygen Atom.
- No. 2. J. G. Charney: On the Scale of Atmospheric Motions.
- No. 3. Arnt Eliassen: The Quasi-static Equations of Motion with Pressure as Independent Variable.
- No. 4. Harald Johansen: Mean Upper Air Data Obtained from Soundings at Tromsø during the Years 1941-1944.
- No. 5. Sigurd Evjen: Forecasting North-West Gales in the Skager Rack. (A Synoptic-Statistical Study).
- No. 6. Ragnar Fjørtoft: Application of Integral Theorems in Deriving Criteria of Stability for Laminar Flows and for the Baroclinic Circular Vortex.
- No. 7. L. Vegard and Hans Raastad: The Intensity Distribution within the Nitrogen Spectrum from Canal Rays and Negative Glow, with Reference to the Auroral Luminescence.
- No. 8. K. F. Wasserfall: The Magnetic Inclination at Oslo Observatory 1871-1908. (Daily Values for 9 and 14 o’clock).
- No. 9. Elias Grytøyr: A Method of Selecting Analogous Synoptic Situations, and the Use of Past Synoptic Situations in Forecasting for East-Norway.
- No. 10. Einar Høiland: On Horizontal Motion in a Rotating Fluid.
- No. 11. G. Kvifte: On the Distribution of Atmospheric Sodium.
Volum XVIII (1951-53)
- No. 1. P. Thrane: Some Hydrodynamical Properties of Simple Atmospheric Oscillations. With Applications to the Semidiurnal Oscillation.
- No. 2. E. Høiland, E. Palm and E. Riis: A Calculation of the Evaporation at Different Places in South-Norway.
- No. 3. L. Vegard and G. Kvifte: An Auroral Spectrogram and the Results Derived from it.
- No. 4. L. Vegard, E. Tønsberg and G. Kvifte: Continued Investigations on the Spectra of Aurora and Twilight and the Ionospheric Temperature.
- No. 5. L. Vegard: Doppler Displacement of Auroral Hydrogen Lines and its Bearing on the Theory of Aurora and Magnetic Disturbances.
- No. 6. Kaare Langlo: On the Amount of Atmospheric Ozone and its Relation to Meteorological Conditions.
- No. 7. Carl Störmer: Results of the Observations and Photographic Measurements of Aurora in Southern Norway and from Ships in the Atlantic during the Polar Year 1932-1933.
- No. 8. L. Vegard and E. Tønsberg: Results from Auroral Spectrograms obtained at Tromsø during the Winter 1950/51.
- No. 9. Einar Høiland: On Two-Dimensional Perturbation of Linear Flow.
- No. 10. Einar Høiland: On the Dynamic Effect of Variation in Density on Two-Dimensional Perturbations of Flow with Constant Shear.
Volum XIX (1953-57)
- No. 1a. V. W. Ekman: Studies on Ocean Currents. Results of a cruise on board the “Armauer Hansen” in 1930 under the leadership of Bjørn Helland-Hansen. Part I. Text.
- No. 1b. V. W. Ekman: Studies on Ocean Currents. Results of a cruise on board the “Armauer Hansen” in 1930 under the leadership of Bjørn Helland-Hansen. Part II. Tables and Plates.
- No. 2. L. Vegard and G. Kvifte: Theory and Observations of the Enhancement of Auroral Hydrogen Lines with Increasing Distance from the Magnetic Axis Point.
- No. 3. L. Vegard, G. Kvifte, A. Omholt and S. Larsen: Studies of the Twilight Sodium Lines from Observations at Oslo and Tromsø, and Results of Auroral Spectrograms from Oslo.
- No. 4. L. Vegard: Intensity Variations of Auroral Hydrogen Lines and the Influence of the Solar Proton Radiation on the Auroral Luminescence.
- No. 5. Harald Johansen: Variations in the Total Amount of Ozone over Tromsø, and their Correlations with other Meteorological Elements.
- No. 6. John Skaar: On the Measurement of Precipitation at Sea.
- No. 7. Bjørn Landmark: A study of the Limiting Polarization of High Frequency Radio Waves Reflected Vertically from the Ionosphere.
- No. 8. B. Landmark, F. Lied, T. Orhaug and S. Skribeland: Ionospheric Observations during the Solar Eclipse of 30th June 1954.
- No. 9. L. Vegard: Composition, Variations and Excitation of the Auroral Luminescence Spectra.
- No. 10. L. Harang and K. Pedersen: Drift Measurements of the E-layer.
- No. 11. Karl Emil Eliassen: A Survey of Ground Conductivity and Dielectric Constant in Norway within Frequency Range 0.2-10 Mc/s.
Volum XX (1957-59)
- No. 1. B. J. Birkeland: Homogenisierung der Temperaturreihe Greenwich 1763-1840.
- No. 2. Enok Palm: On Reynolds stress, turbulent diffusion and velocity profile in a stratified fluid.
- No. 3. Enok Palm: Two-dimensional and three-dimensional mountain waves.
- No. 4. L. Vegard: Recent progress relating to the study of aurorae and kindred phenomena.
- No. 5. Leiv Harang: Height distribution of the red auroral line in polar aurorae.
- No. 6. Bernt Mæhlum: The diurnal- and sunspot-cycle variation of the layers E, F1 and F2 of the ionosphere as observed in Norway during the period 1932-1956.
- No. 7. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Ocean current as an initial problem.
- No. 8. Olav Holt and Bjørn Landmark: Some statistical properties of the signal fine structure in ionospheric scatter propagation.
- No. 9. L. Vegard, S. Berger and A. Nundal: Results of auroral observations at Tromsø and Oslo from winters 1953-1954 to 1956-1957.
- No. 10. Eigil Hesstvedt: Mother of pearl clouds in Norway.
- No. 11. A. Omholt: Studies on excitations of aurora borealis. I. The hydrogen lines.
- No. 12. G. Kvifte: Nightflow observations at Ås during I.G.Y.
- No. 13. O. H. Sælen: Studies in the Norwegian Atlantic current. I. The Sognefjord section.
Volum XXI (1959-60)
- No. 1. A. Omholt: Studies on the excitation of aurora borealis II. The forbidden oxygen lines.
- No. 2. Tor Hagfors: Investigation of the scattering of radio waves at metric wavelengths in the lower ionosphere.
- No. 3. Håkon Mosby: Deep water in the Norwegian Sea.
- No. 4. Søren H. H. Larsen: On the scattering of ultraviolet solar radiation in the atmosphere with the ozone absorption considered.
- No. 5. Søren H. H. Larsen: Measurements of atmospheric ozone at Spitsbergen (78oN) and Tromsø (70oN) during the winter season.
- No. 6. Enok Palm and Arne Foldvik: Contribution to the theory of two-dimensional mountain waves.
- No. 7. Kaare Pedersen and Marius Todsen: Some measurements of the micro-structure of fog and stratus-clouds in the Oslo area.
- No. 8. Kaare Pedersen: An experiment in numerical prediction of the 500 mb wind field.
- No. 9. Eigil Hesstvedt: On the physics of mother of pearl clouds.
Volum XXII (1960-62)
- No. 1. L. Harang and K. Malmjord: Drift measurements of the E-layer at Kjeller and Tromsø during the international geophysical year 1957-58.
- No. 2. Leiv Harang and Anders Omholt: Luminosity curves of high aurorae.
- No. 3. Arnt Eliassen and Enok Palm: On the transfer of energy in stationary mountain waves.
- No. 4. Yngvar Gotaas: Mother of pearl clouds over Southern Norway, February 21, 1959.
- No. 5. H. Økland: An experiment in numerical integration of the barotropic equation by a quasi-Lagrangian method.
- No. 6. L. Vegard: Auroral investigations during the winter seasons 1957/58-1959/60 and their bearing on solar terrestrial relationships.
- No. 7. Gunnvald Bøyum: A study of evaporation and heat exchange between the sea surface and the atmosphere.
Volum XXIII (1962-63)
- No. 1. Bernt Mæhlum: The sporadic E auroral zone.
- No. 2. Bernt Mæhlum: Small scale structure and drift in the sporadic E layer as observed in the auroral zone.
- No. 3. L. Harang and K. Malmjord: Determination of drift movements of the ionosphere at high latitudes from radio star scintillations.
- No. 4. Eyvind Riis: The stability of Couette-flow in non-stratified and stratified viscous fluids.
- No. 5. E. Frogner: Temperature changes on a large scale in the arctic winter stratosphere and their probable effects on the tropospheric circulation.
- No. 6. Odd H. Sælen: Studies in the Norwegian Atlantic Current. Part II: Investigation during the years 1954-59 in an area west of Stad.
Volum XXIV (1962)
In memory of Vilhelm Bjerknes (1862-1951) on the 100th anniversary of his birth
- Forside og innholdsregister
- Tor Bergeron, Olaf Devik, Carl Ludvig Godske: Vilhelm Bjerknes, March 14, 1862 – April 19, 1951
- Publications by Vilhelm Bjerknes
- No. 1. Th. Hesselberg: Climatological deviation maps
- No. 2. Jørgen Holmboe: On the behavior of symmetric waves in Stratified shear layers
- No. 3. J. Bjerknes: Synoptic survey of the interaction of sea and atmosphere in the North Atlantic
- No. 4. Arnt Eliassen: On the vertical circulation in frontal zones
- No. 5. C. L. Godske: Contribution to statistical meteorology
- No. 6. Einar Høiland: Discussion of a hyperbolic equation relating to inertia and gravitational fluid oscillations
- No. 7. Ragnar Fjørtoft: A numerical method of solving certain partial differential equations of second order
- No. 8. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: A circulation theorem for stationary wind currents
- No. 9. Sverre Petterssen, Dorothy L. Bradbury and Kaare Pedersen: The Norwegian cyclone models in relation to heat and cold sources
- No. 10. J. Holtsmark: Die kontinuierliche und die stochastische Beschreibung der Natur
- No. 11. Håkon Mosby: Water, salt and heat balance of the North Polar Sea and of the Norwegian Sea
Volum XXV (1963-65)
- No. 1. Kaare Pedersen: On quantitative precipitation forecasting with a quasi-geostrophic model.
- No. 2. Peter Thrane: Perturbations in a baroclinic model atmosphere.
- No. 3. Eigil Hesstvedt: On the water vapour content in the high atmosphere.
- No. 4. Torbjørn Ellingsen: On periodic motions of an ideal fluid with an elastic boundary.
- No. 5a. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Internal waves of tidal origin. Part I. Theory and analysis of observations.
- No. 5b. Jonas Ekman Fjeldstad: Internal waves of tidal origin. Part II. Tables.
- No. 6. A. Eftestøl and O. Omholt: Studies on excitation of N2 and N+2 bands in aurora.
Volum XXVI (1965-67)
- No. 1. Eigil Hesstvedt: Some characteristics of the oxygen-hydrogen atmosphere.
- No. 2. William Blumen: A random model of momentum flux by mountain waves.
- No. 3. K. M. Storetvedt: Remanent magnetization of some dolerite intrusions in the Egersund Area, Southern Norway.
- No. 4. Martin Mork: The generation of surface waves by wind and their propagation from a storm area.
- No. 5. Jack Nordø: The Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere.
- No. 6. A. Egeland and A. Omholt: Carl Störmer’s height measurements of aurora. A statistical study.
- No. 7. Gunnvald Bøyum: The energy exchange between sea and atmosphere at Ocean Weather Stations M, I and A.
- No. 8. Torbjørn Ellingsen and Enok Palm: The energy transfer from submarine seismic waves to the ocean.
- No. 9. Torkild Carstens: Experiments with supercooling and ice formation in flowing water. Tillegg.
- No. 10. Jørgen Holmboe: On the instability of stratified shear flow.
- No. 11. Lawrence H. Larsen: Flow over obstacles of finite amplitude.
- No. 12. Jack Nordø and Kjartan Hjortnæs: Statistical studies of precipitation on local, national and continental scales.
Volum XXVII (1967-69)
- No. 1. Arne Grammeltvedt: On the nonlinear computational instability of the equations of one-dimensional flow.
- No. 2. Jørgen Holmboe: Instability of baroclinic three-layer models of the atmosphere.
- No. 3. Einar Høiland and Eyvind Riis: On the Stability of Shear Flow of a Stratified Fluid.
- No. 4. Eigil Hesstvedt: On the effect of vertical eddy transport on atmospheric composition in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere.
- No. 5. Eigil Hesstvedt: On the photochemistry of ozone in the ozone layer.
- No. 6. Arnt Eliassen: On Meso-Scale Mountain Waves on the Rotating Earth.
- No. 7. Kaare Pedersen and Knut Erik Grønskei: A method of initialization for dynamical weather forecasting, and a balanced model.
Volum XXVIII (1970-72)
- No. 1. Håkon Mosby: Atlantic water in the Norwegian sea.
- No. 2. Kaare Pedersen: Balanced Systems of Equations for the Atmospheric Motion. A Numerical Experiment and an Analytical Discussion.
- No. 3. Arnt Eliassen and Jan-Edgar Rekustad: A Numerical Study of Meso-Scale Mountain Waves.
- No. 4. Per B. Storebø: Steady State Aerosols.
- No. 5. Thomas A. McClimans: An Approximate Theory for the Structure of Strong Pycnoclins.
- No. 6. Aksel Wiin-Nielsen: Simulations of the Annual Variation of the Zonally Averaged State of the Atmosphere.
Volum XXIX (1972)
A Collection of Articles on Cosmic Geophysics Dedicated to the Memory of Professor L. Harang on the Seventieth Anniversary of his birth, 19 April 1972
- No. 1. F. Lied: Professor, Dr. Philos, Leiv Marius Harang.
- No. 2. J. A. Ratcliffe: The formation of the ionosphere; Ideas of the early years (1925-1955).
- No. 3. B. Hultqvist: Auroral particles.
- No. 4. Ya. I. Feldstein: Aurora.
- No. 5. S.-I. Akasofu: Midday auroras and polar cap auroras.
- No. 6. K. Lassen: On the classification of high-latitude auroras.
- No. 7. J. P. Heppner: The Harang discontinuity in auroral belt ionospheric currents.
- No. 8. B. H. Briggs: Recent work on ionospheric irregularities and drifts.
- No. 9. A. G. McNamara: The occurrence of radio aurora at high latitudes; The IGY period 1957-59.
- No. 10. W. Stoffregen: Electron-density increase in the E layer below an artificial barium cloud.
- No. 11. R. E. Barrington: The generation and propagation of VLF emissions.
- Publications by Leiv Harang.
Volum XXX (1973)
- No. 1. Jon Helge Knudsen: Approximate Analytical Solutions to the Non-Divergent Barotropic Vorticity Equation in Spectral Form.
- No. 2. Ivar S. A. Isaksen: Diurnal variation of atmospheric constituents in an oxygen-hydrogen-nitrogen-carbon atmospheric model, and the role of minor neutral constituents in the chemistry of the lower ionosphere.
- No. 3. Jon Helge Knudsen: Prediction of Second-Moment Properties in Spectral Form for Non-Divergent Barotropic Flow.
- No. 4. J. A. Holtet: Electric field microstructures in the auroral E-region.
- No. 5.
- Gisle Bjøntegaard: Review of the use of man-made VLF radio waves in lower ionospheric research.
- Gisle Bjøntegaard: Huygen’s principle used on VLF field calculations on distances less than 1500 km.
- Gisle Bjøntegaard: Determination of D-region electron loss rates from VLF measurements during SID events.
Volum XXXI (1974-77)
- No. 1. Eigil Hesstvedt, Svein-Erik Henriksen and Hreinn Hjartarson: On the development of an aerobic atmosphere. A model experiment.
- No. 2. Eigil Hesstvedt: Formation of oxidants and other secondary pollutants in air mixed with nitrogen oxides and ethylene.
- No. 3. Ingolf Kanestrøm: CO2: Greenhouse or atmospheric effect.
- No. 4. Ivar S. A. Isaksen and Paul J. Crutzen: Uncertainties in calculated hydroxyl radical densities in the troposphere and stratosphere.
- No. 5. Ivar S. A. Isaksen, Knut Helge Midtbø, Jens Sunde and Paul J. Crutzen: A simplified method to include molecular scattering and reflection in calculations of photon fluxes and photodissociation rates.
- No. 6. Eigil Hesstvedt, Øystein Hov and Ivar S. A. Isaksen: Photochemistry of mixtures of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in air.
- No. 7. Arnt Eliassen and Magne Lystad: The Ekman layer of a circular vortex. A numerical and theoretical study.
Volum XXXII (1980-84)
- Steinar Berger and Asgeir Brekke: Comparison of annual variations observed in the earth’s magnetic field at Tromsø, Ny-Ålesund, and Bjørnøya.
- A. Moene: On the latitudinal oscillations of the northeast Atlantic annual mean polar frontal zone.
- Sverre Albrigtsen, Steinar Berger and Asgeir Brekke: Influence of the interplanetary magnetic field on the earth’s magnetic field observed at Ny-Ålesund.
- J. A. Johannessen and H. G. Gade: A case study of the variations in the upper ocean at Ocean Weather Ship Mike (66oN,2oE) in the Norwegian Sea.
Volum XXXIII (1985)
- I. Kanestrøm, K. Pedersen and H. Skåtun: Major stationary ridges and troughs at 500 mb.