Geophysica Norvegica (old)

I august 1917, på samme møte som V. Bjerknes, O. Devik, B. Helland-Hansen, Th. Hesselberg, O.A. Krogness, H.U. Sverdrup og S. Sæland opprettet Norsk Geofysisk Forening, ble det også søkt om å få opprettet en tidsskriftserie, “Geofysiske publikasjoner”. Les mer under etableringen av NGF.
Geofysiske Publikasjoner (Geophysica Norvegica) kom for første gang ut i 1921. Helt frem til 1985 ble det trykket opp 299 artikler fordelt på 33 volumer. Her følger en oversikt over alle publikasjonene som finnes i hvert volum. De fleste titlene er angitt med aktive lenker og er derfor tilgjengelige som pdf-dokumenter.

Scanningen og tilretteleggingen av nedlastbare dokumenter er administrert av NGF sitt styre i 2007-2009. Geofysisk institutt i Bergen har finansiert scanning av volum 1 til 22, mens Meteorologisk institutt har finansiert digitalisering av volum 23 til 33.

Hele oversikten er også tilgjengelig i MS Word-format og inkluderer register over alle forfatterne.

Desember 2020: Tor Bergeron sin artikkel Über die dreidimensional verknüpfende Wetteranalyse. Erster Teil: Prinzippielle Einführung in das Problem der Luftmassen- und Frontenbildung. er oversatt til engelsk og utgitt i Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society med referanse:
Schultz DM, Volkert H, Antonescu B & Davies HC (2020) Defender and Expositor of the Bergen Methods of Synoptic Analysis: Significance, History, and Translation of Bergeron’s (1928) “Three-Dimensionally Combining Synoptic Analysis”, 101 (12), pp. E2078-E2094, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0021.1
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Volum I (1921)

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Volum II (1923)

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Volum III (1926)

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Volum IV (1927)

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Volum V (1930)

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Volum VI (1932)

The Scientific Results of the Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the Gjøa 1903-1906 under the conduct of Roald Amundsen.
Part I.

Published by The Roald Amundsen’s Memorial Fund.

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Volum VII (1933)

The Scientific Results of the Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the Gjøa 1903-1906 under the conduct of Roald Amundsen.
Part II.

Published by The Roald Amundsen’s Memorial Fund.

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Volum VIII (1930)

The Scientific Results of the Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the Gjøa 1903-1906 under the conduct of Roald Amundsen.
Part III.

Published by The Roald Amundsen’s Memorial Fund.

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Volum IX (1931-32)

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Volum X (1935)

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Volum XI (1934-37)

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Volum XII (1937-40)

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Volum XIII (1940-44)

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Volum XIV (1936-43)

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Volum XV (1944-56)

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Volum XVI (1944-46)

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Volum XVII (1947-51)

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Volum XVIII (1951-53)

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Volum XIX (1953-57)

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Volum XX (1957-59)

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Volum XXI (1959-60)

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Volum XXII (1960-62)

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Volum XXIII (1962-63)

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Volum XXIV (1962)

In memory of Vilhelm Bjerknes (1862-1951) on the 100th anniversary of his birth

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Volum XXV (1963-65)

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Volum XXVI (1965-67)

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Volum XXVII (1967-69)

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Volum XXVIII (1970-72)

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Volum XXIX (1972)

A Collection of Articles on Cosmic Geophysics Dedicated to the Memory of Professor L. Harang on the Seventieth Anniversary of his birth, 19 April 1972

  • No. 1. F. Lied: Professor, Dr. Philos, Leiv Marius Harang.
  • No. 2. J. A. Ratcliffe: The formation of the ionosphere; Ideas of the early years (1925-1955).
  • No. 3. B. Hultqvist: Auroral particles.
  • No. 4. Ya. I. Feldstein: Aurora.
  • No. 5. S.-I. Akasofu: Midday auroras and polar cap auroras.
  • No. 6. K. Lassen: On the classification of high-latitude auroras.
  • No. 7. J. P. Heppner: The Harang discontinuity in auroral belt ionospheric currents.
  • No. 8. B. H. Briggs: Recent work on ionospheric irregularities and drifts.
  • No. 9. A. G. McNamara: The occurrence of radio aurora at high latitudes; The IGY period 1957-59.
  • No. 10. W. Stoffregen: Electron-density increase in the E layer below an artificial barium cloud.
  • No. 11. R. E. Barrington: The generation and propagation of VLF emissions.
  • Publications by Leiv Harang.

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Volum XXX (1973)

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Volum XXXI (1974-77)

  • No. 5. Ivar S. A. Isaksen, Knut Helge Midtbø, Jens Sunde and Paul J. Crutzen: A simplified method to include molecular scattering and reflection in calculations of photon fluxes and photodissociation rates.

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Volum XXXII (1980-84)

  • Steinar Berger and Asgeir Brekke: Comparison of annual variations observed in the earth’s magnetic field at Tromsø, Ny-Ålesund, and Bjørnøya.
  • A. Moene: On the latitudinal oscillations of the northeast Atlantic annual mean polar frontal zone.
  • Sverre Albrigtsen, Steinar Berger and Asgeir Brekke: Influence of the interplanetary magnetic field on the earth’s magnetic field observed at Ny-Ålesund.
  • J. A. Johannessen and H. G. Gade: A case study of the variations in the upper ocean at Ocean Weather Ship Mike (66oN,2oE) in the Norwegian Sea.

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Volum XXXIII (1985)

  • I. Kanestrøm, K. Pedersen and H. Skåtun: Major stationary ridges and troughs at 500 mb.

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